First Responders Wellness Center
The First Responders Wellness Center is a full psychological services center to support law enforcement, Fire/EMS, public safety/corrections, Veterans, ER Staff, and other first responders. We provide therapeutic interventions, psychological testing, training, and consultation.
Therapy services include one-on-one, group, and couples. We use evidence based treatments that work on present situations. We offer several trauma based therapeutic interventions including:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Exposure therapy
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Debriefing We also offer critical incident debriefing psychoeducation and crisis management. Psychoeducation will include normal responses to traumatic incidents. We can provide return to duty evaluations after a traumatic incident and ongoing therapy.
EMDR therapy is designed to completely process the experiences that are causing problems, and provide a healthy, useful way to cope with them. EMDR at FRWC offers a light bar with visual, tactile, and auditory stimulation.
CBT/CPT is designed to help one understand that your thoughts create and affect your feelings and your behavior. Positive change to any one of these areas will affect the others for a healthier, balanced life.
Exposure therapy helps reduces the physical or emotional distress you feel when confronted with a particular situation, distressing thought or memory.
Psychological testing includes Pre-employment evaluations and selection for special duties, Fitness for Duty (FFDE) and Risk & Threat Assessments.
Pre-employment: Testing for Pre-employment and special duties help determine whether a candidate has the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics needed to perform the duties and tasks successfully. Testing results will include probability estimates and risk level.
Fitness for Duty evaluations are formal, specialized examination of an employee that results from 1) an objective evidence that the employee may be unable to safely or effectively perform a defined job and 2) a reasonable basis for believing that the cause may be attributable to a psychological condition or impairment. FFDE will include one of four determinants with concise recommendations.
Risk and threat assessments may include risk mitigation, clinical evaluations, psychological profiling, forensic & interviewing techniques, risk and protective factors concerning the person of interest, and personnel termination strategies.
First Responders Wellness Center Training for first responders include wellness programs, crisis intervention, and psychoeducation. Trainings are for first responder
safety, personal and professional development.
Trainings that have been provided include:
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)Training Continuing education, Peer Support Development and Training, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Police Response, Identifying and Responding to Mentally Ill persons in Crisis, Police/Fire Suicide, In Custody Suicide Prevention Training, Reducing Risk Factors for PTSD, Officer Wellness, Dispatch and Call Taker Training for Crisis, Veteran CIT training, Veterans & PTSD, School Shootings Incidents, Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness, De-escalation Techniques, Illinois Involuntary Admissions, DSM-5 & ICD-10 Training, and several other training programs.
Please contact us to inquire about a training for your organization. or 630-796-2961.
"Testing and therapy at First Responders Wellness Center exceeds the standards and guidelines offered by the International Chiefs of Police and the American Psychological Association. Psychological testing and therapy are conducted in an unbiased, professional manner utilizing stated of the art assessment practices and therapeutic techniques."
Dr. Carrie Steiner, Psy.D.
Founder of First Responders Wellness Center
Contact 1-630-796-2961 Mon-Fri 8-430
After hours contact: 630-909-9094