Most common distortions of the traumatic event are:
Distortion of time-(time may seem to have sped up or slowed down)
Sensory distortions- (i.e. tunnel vision, not hearing, etc.)
Perceptual or Behavioral Distortions- (Question, see or think events happened in an order or sequence despite reality or evidence)
Sense of helplessness-Limited choices
Feelings about your “Fight/Flight/Freeze” response
Disturbance in memory- can’t recall specific info or fluidity of the scene
Hyperarousal/Hypoarousal- heightened awareness of our surroundings or constriction on only certain aspects
Distortions often occur so we can function on autopilot or “act without thinking”, sometimes training takes over and/or our body’s natural physiological response to the environment.
After a trauma Officers may feel:
Shock and disbelief
Anxiety, nervousness
Pre-occupied with thoughts about the incident
Angry, resentful
Highly sensitive to others
Blaming others
Want to go home/Be at home
Unexpected crying spells
Proud, Happy
Feelings that change
or may conflict with each other
After traumatic incidents Officers may exhibit increased bodily sensations such as:
Nausea and stomachaches
Muscle tension/Twitches
Changes in appetite and/or sleep
Changes in sexual function or libido
Flashbacks of the incident, daymares/nightmares
Anxiety and/or Depression
Anger, irritability, and/or low frustration tolerance
Distorted, slowed memory, or forgetfulness
Any or all of these emotions or changes can occur and are normal but they should lessen over time. If your symptoms start to increase or impact your daily functioning, then please call for an appointment with a mental health professional.
Dr. Carrie Steiner 1-630-909-9094